Ben Stiller
"Thank you honey, and kiss your mom from me"
— Ben Stiller

Bob Ballard
Bob Ballard the discoverer of the Titanic and many other famous wrecks came snorkeling in Silfra with us on a warm summer day.
Our guides AJ and Hanna enjoyed his company very much and the whole Silfra day was a great success.
However, when Tómas Knútsson, the founder of DIVE.IS heard that Bob Ballard was in Iceland he became very excited. He has been a great fan for many years and owns all the National Geographic magazines with Mr. Ballards stories & discoveries.
He grabbed them and arranged a meeting with him on the airport to get the magazines signed by the Master himeself. We know they both enjoyed their get-together very much.
Bill Gates
"Is the water so clear because there are so few particles or because there are so few elements dissolved in the water?"
— Bill Gates
Who else would ask a smart question like that?
This was the question Bill Gates asked Tobi after he had finished his snorkeling trip through Silfra on the walk back to the car park.
Wow, one of the best questions I had in over 1000 dives in Silfra, Tobi thought... but not quite sure about the answer.
"I think it´s first of all because there are so few particles in the water..."
Then David commented from behind "Well, no, a few years ago we had scientists here who examined the water and found that the Silfra water had much less dissolved elements than a bottle of shop-bought drinking water".

Karl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden
As you might imagine there was quite some preparation involved in taking Karl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden Snorkeling to Silfra. Certainly it was top secret even though he was to come here on a private trip with a couple of friends just to have a good time.
In the preperation meetings we were briefed to adress the king only in the third person with "Your Majesty"... We loved that :)
When the king arrived at Silfra with his friends he turned out to be very friendly and easy going, even more so after the first bottle of Champagne... after the snorkeling trip, of course.
It was a pleasure, Your Majesty!