
PADI Sérréttindi Köfunarnámskeið

Bættu við þig sérréttindum

Expand your dive skills

Learn to become an ice diver

On this course you can become and ice diver or ice instuctor or both. Where better to learn ice diving then in Iceland?

An unusual dive certification

The PADI Tectonic Plate Awareness Distinctive Specialty Course has been designed by DIVE.IS and gives you a much deeper insight into diving between the continents. Get a better understanding of plate tectonics and what it means to dive between them.

Fáðu þér þurrbúningaréttindi

Á þessu námskeiði lærir þú að kafa í þurrbúning og kafar svo í Silfru daginn eftir. Tékkaðu Silfru af óskalistanum með DIVE.IS.

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