Maps with directions to Silfra can be found below, but you can see the exact location at the following links:
• Parking lot P5 (where you need to park your car)
• Meeting Point
Please note that the Silfra car park is restricted to commercial vehicle parking. Your parking lot is P5, about a 5 minute walk down the road from Silfra. The National Park charges a fee for car parking, all info can be found on the Thingvellir National Park website.
If you would like to book transportation service from Reykjavík to Silfra, please contact us!
Driving time to Silfra from Reykjavík is ca. 1 hour. If you are early, you can stop at the Thingvellir Information Center.

Directions from Hakid Visitor center on Golden circle tour
A map of the walking paths from Hakið Visitor center. The highlighted paths take 10 minutes (red path) and 30 minutes (yellow path). You can choose which one to take according to how much time you have before the beginning of the tour.